Bride & Prejudice

Monday, September 11, 2006

Wider Context...

SoCiaL CoNtExT...

The change in attitudes towards Asians in the growing years is important. This can be reflected in the broadcasting of the film, for example this film was mainstream which in previous years may have been unheard of.

HiStOriCaL CoNtExT...

The expectations and stereotypes we hold of the Asian community have changed from previous years and texts as people have become more aware of Asian culture and traditions with time – there is a less racist attitude for example.

eCoNoMiC CoNteXt...

Bollywood films usually have high budgets but British films are less likely to have the same. However, this film was created to have the same blatantly high budget image to be able to glorify the idea of Bollywood cinema.

PoLiTiCaL CoNteXt...

As narratives can act as metaphores - especially newer texts, we know that we can witness the changing era of time in many a way - in this case this could mean the more open minded attitude of the Asian community towards certain issues.


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