Bride & Prejudice

Monday, September 25, 2006

DeL.iCiO.uS TaGs LiNkS..x
this link is useful to my own study as it is an independent study from a couple of years ago on the same text that I am analysing for my coursework. This may help me to recognise some of the strengths and weaknesses about my own work in comparison to this. I may also be able to intergrate some ideas utilised in this study that I may not have considered previously.
this link is helpful to me as it looks at Asian issues within the media today; especially those concerning current affiars related to the status and recognition of Asians in todays society. This site will aid me with talking about the wider contexts of my study - particualrly regarding the economical, political and social contexts of my independent study.,11027,584215,00.html
this link is useful to me as it has a range of new and previous news articles based on race related storiess within the media aswell as other current issues and events within the industry which may also help me in developing stronger arguments for my wider contexts.
this links to my study as the reviews on this site help me to structure the commendations and criticisms of this film. These will enable me to present an analysed view of how the film actually did and what were its greatest assets or its fundamental weaknesses.
this link contains alot of general information about various aspects that we need to think about in our study. This includes information about media institutions and how they work along with other aspects of 'migrain' that I will need to consider.

Sunday, September 17, 2006






Monday, September 11, 2006


The theories/theorists that I have chosen to elaborate on regarding my study on 'Bride & Prejudice' are the following:

Postmodernism theory: meaning that a text may not be completely realistic – which in this case is inclusive as this film is a musical. This makes it seem more fantasy/unrealistic or fairy tale styled.

Narrative theories: using the ideas of Prop and Todorov

Feminist theory: this could relate to the many different women in this film and their differentiating roles and opinions in comparison to each other.

Psychoanalytical theory: this is the identification and representation/portrayal of characters

oThEr tExTs...

This text can be compared to several others of a similar nature within recent and past years such as:

‘East is East’, ‘Monsoon Wedding’, ‘Bend it like Beckham’, ‘Goodness Gracious Me’.

The texts that I have considered to use to compare 'Bride & Prejudice' to have been selected based on different aspects of their characteristics.

For example, 'Bend it Like Beckham' is a good comparison to my chosen text as it was directed by Gurinder Chadha too, therefore in certain mannerisms it is similar to the way in which it has been composed when compared to 'Bride & Prejudice'. This includes the likes of media language a considerable amount baring in mind the director and her style.
'East is East' was one of the very first 'British Asian' genre of films of its kind which, marks it as a milestone towards the path that such a genre of films is moving towards. the same can be said for the memorable 'Monsoon Wedding'. This film is able to make an even larger comparison to 'Bride & Prejudice' as it's narrative is reminicent of Chada's remake considering its daughters and marriage theme.
'Goodness Gracious Me' is a text differenciating from the others mentioned above as it was a television series. However, this text has to be regarded as seriously important consdiering its huge television success.

Wider Context...

SoCiaL CoNtExT...

The change in attitudes towards Asians in the growing years is important. This can be reflected in the broadcasting of the film, for example this film was mainstream which in previous years may have been unheard of.

HiStOriCaL CoNtExT...

The expectations and stereotypes we hold of the Asian community have changed from previous years and texts as people have become more aware of Asian culture and traditions with time – there is a less racist attitude for example.

eCoNoMiC CoNteXt...

Bollywood films usually have high budgets but British films are less likely to have the same. However, this film was created to have the same blatantly high budget image to be able to glorify the idea of Bollywood cinema.

PoLiTiCaL CoNteXt...

As narratives can act as metaphores - especially newer texts, we know that we can witness the changing era of time in many a way - in this case this could mean the more open minded attitude of the Asian community towards certain issues.

MeDia LaNgUaGe...

  • The mise en scene in the film is continually colourful which links to Bollywood films and the way in which they are portrayed as usually you would expect them to be bright and cheerful in this way - this sense of colour is also depicted through the clothing that the characters wear; which is usually traditional Indian clothing especially in scenes such as the wedding.
  • The bright lighting within the film helps to portray the light hearted feeling and images expressed throughout. This is true for most scenes in the film - even if the mood of the particular scene is not really of a 'bright' & 'happy' nature the lighting still generally remains bright.
  • There is a strong use of non diegetic music used through out the film in the form of song and dance routines which lives up to the conventions of most Bollywood films or Hollywood musicals.
  • There is a strong significance of the use of the particular mise en scene and settings that have been utilised as they are important to symbolise the 'stereotypical' vision that the audience expects to have of a film which is in a sense a reproduction of a 'Bollywood' film. These sets usually look extravagent and grand as you would usually find them to be in typical Bollywood films. An example of this idea of a grand setting is, the scene roughly at the beginning of the film where there is a wedding taking place in an enormous and elaborate house.
  • There are two languages spoken within this film – predominantly English but also bits of Hindi. The use of both languages works to reach a wider range of audiences – British Asian & traditional Asian.
  • There was a seperate soundtrack created for the film including tracks performed within the actual film. This is usually a characteristic of Bollywood films, where moviess are produced with their own soundtracks which, are released before the film in order to promote the film and its music.


  • This film was produced by a non Hollywood institution by the name of Miramax Films and was distributed as mainstream film in multiplex cinemas.
  • 'Miramax Films' is a company bought out by The Walt Disney Company and was originally created in order to distribute the more independent type of films.
  • 'Bride & Prejudice' was a heavily advertised and promoted film. It was hyped up due to director, Gurinder Chadha's previously successful release 'Bend it Like Beckham'. However, considering general ratings for both films 'Bride & Prejudice' was not as much of a success as Chadha's former film.


  • The genre is a hybrid between drama/musical/comedy & romance.
  • Style and narrative in this case are a combination of both Hollywood/Bollywood, this blend has been constructed intentionally in order to give audiences a bit of both worlds.
  • A way in which this has been particularly constructed is via the use of many song and dance routines linking to the general structure of Bollywood films, and then in turn showing a bridge between Bollywood and Hollywood. This could possibly be the aim and objective of the film in general.
  • This text features a director which can be associated to a particular genre type - 'British Asian' and also a star (Aishwarya Rai) whom is associated with Bollywood - thereby also assocaited with the generic themes of drama, romance and musicals, which are seen to be the stereotypical genres of Bollywood films.
  • Many of the characters are incredibly generically determined. As the genre is a hybrid of many different genres we come across characters which are generically determined in either one of these ways. For example, one of the genres and themes of this film is romance; therefore we see this romance depicted through the selection of couples we witness. There is also a particular ‘comical’ character whom we clearly state to be used as just comedy centralised.
  • A major generic convention expressed throughout is the application of frequent song and dance routines which reinforce the genre of this film partly being a musical.
  • The text generally conforms to the characteristics of the genre as the audience receives what it would expect to from such a text. Having been said however, considering the genre of romance, perhaps the text is not conforming to what the audience would typically expect from a Bollywood style film as the ‘heroine’ ends up with a white guy which is not typical of Bollywood endings.


I will need to think about representation in particular as this is what structures my study. I particularly need to consider factors such as:

  • Whether this film allows negative or positive representations of Asians?
  • Does it romanticise a particular image portrayed by the media?
  • Is there a stereotypical image of Asians portrayed regarding issues such as marriage, family values, and the roles of women/men?
  • Whether this film offers a fair reflection of society or not?
  • Does it challenge or reinforce stereotypes?
  • & Is there a sense of mediation?


  • This film is primarily targeted at both Asian males and females.
  • I would say that it is specifically aimed at the Asian community as Asians of most ages would find this film of some interest considering its hybrid of genres.
  • Although, there is a secondary audience that this film may be targeted at within non Asian backgrounds, such as British people who may be interested by the nature and appeal of the film and may perhaps wanting to find a form of educational experience from the film.
  • Also, as this film was rated a PG it is apparent that it was intended to be a film worthy of family viewing.

iDeoLoGieS & VaLuEs...

  • The idea behind this film is to showcase traditional Asian values and the way that they are expressed and portrayed is vital to the beliefs and messages founding this film.
  • Positive values could be to educate and inform secondary audience about Asian culture.


  • ‘Bride & Prejudice’ offers a closed narrative structure
  • There is a sense of closure at the end of the film as there is a resolution which lives up to the structure of Bollywood films.
  • The narrative theories produced by both Propp and Todorov will be ones for me to consider during my study due to the nature of the narrative of this film.
  • For example, Propp’s theory can be identified via the three main characters roles - there is a obvious Princess, a hero and a villain.


My essay title will be:
'How are Asians represented in film and television, with particular focus on Bride & Prejudice?'

My independent study will focus on the representation of Asians within the media today – and in particular in film and television. I have decided to analyse this question in reference to the film ‘Bride & Prejudice’, 2004, directed by Gurinder Chadha - who is reknown for her contribution to the creation of many British Asian texts available, most famously 'Bend It Like Beckham'.
The film is an adaptation of the novel ‘Pride & Prejudice’ by writer Jane Austen, and is fundamentally about traditional mother Mrs. Bakshi and her eagerness to find suitable husbands for her four unmarried daughters.
This entire concept of her aggravation and worries towards her daughters and marriage is an issue which, can often be associated to the stereotypical Asian mother.
My study will aim to analyse and assess this attitude and also many others related to the way in which Asians are represented within this film and in general within the media.

The text I have chosen to analyse for my independent study is BriDe & PreJuDiCe...

Directed By: Gurinder Chadha

Starring: Aishwarya Rai as Lalita Bakhshi
& Martin Henderson as William Darcy